Tahoon Tops


Tahoon® Tops

Tahoon® Tops offer a distinctive flavour profile that is characterised by a distinct of nutty flavour reminiscent of roasted hazelnuts.

Availability Tahoon® Tops

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Tahoon® Tops are a product native to the north side of the Himalayas. In early spring, people collect the freshly germinating seedlings from under the trees, which are the Tahoon® Tops. The young shoots are then used in dishes. Local literature describes it as stimulating to the stomach. In spring, these tall trees produce shoots and fresh delicate leaves, which are eaten as a festive delicacy.

Tahoon Tops

How to store

Tahoon® Tops is available all year round and can be stored for up to seven days stored between 2° and 7°C.

How to use

Tahoon® Tops combines nutty, savoury and earthy notes, creating a balanced and intriguing flavour that is sure to captivate discerning taste buds. A true specialties variant of the Tahoon® Cress. Enriched with subtle hints of mushrooms, fried onions and savoury nuts, these tops offer a rich and satisfying taste experience. The texture is delicious, with a crunchy top providing a pleasant contrast. The addition of mushrooms, onions and earthy undertones adds to the unique and explosive forest flavour, creating a harmonious blend of textures and flavours. Tahoon® Tops pairs well with game, cheeses or in combination with nuts. When it’s not game season, combined with tapenade, oil and sauces, Tahoon® Tops is highly recommended. The flavour is best transferred when the tops are heated.



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