Bulls Blood baby leaves
Bulls Blood is a beautiful type of lettuce with deep red-purple leaves. It is actually the leaf of a Bulls Blood beet. The taste is sweet-bitter and slightly earthy. Because of its beautiful colour, this colorful lettuce variety is great to combine with green leaves.
Availability Bulls Blood baby leaves

Bulls Blood baby leaves are leaves of the Bull Blood beet. The beet is an old variety that was already grown in France in 1840. Bud Holland baby leaves are grown in the Piana del Sele, an area which is suitable for agriculture and located between the Amalfi and Cilento coasts.

How to store
Keep baby leaves in the vegetable drawer of the fridge, where it can last 1-2 days.
How to eat
Use the Bulls Blood baby leaves as nice, colourful leaves in a beautiful salad. By combining the leaves with green leaves it brings out the best of them. You can also use the Bulls Blood baby leaves in a stew.