Cassava is a large, edible root. Cassava is also known by the names tapioca, manioc or yucca. The taste of cassava can be compared to a potato and it contains a lot of corn starch. Cassava is on the menu every day in large parts of Africa, but also in tropical South America and Southeast Asia.
Availability cassava

Cassava naturally occurs in Brazilian savanna-like regions. The tuber can withstand drought and poor soil very well. Due to its toxicity, it is shunned by grasshoppers and other insects.

How to store
Store cassava in a cool place (12-15°C) for several weeks.
How to eat
You can peel the skin of cassava with a vegetable peeler. You cannot eat cassava raw because it naturally contains the toxic hydrocyanic acid. Fortunately, you can easily eliminate this poison by boiling, baking or frying it. Then you can make delicious chips, porridge, pancakes or fries.