Coconut reminds us of vacations, tropical beaches and summer cocktails. Despite the name “coconut” is it actually not a nut, but a stone-fruit. When it’s picked, it’s still in a green husk. When you remove the husk, the hairy woody ‘nut’ appears, which contains delicious coconut meat and coconut water.
Availability coconuts

It’s not entirely clear where the coconut palm originally comes from. There are fossils found in New Zealand which are more than 15 million years old. In India fossils be found which are even older! The coconuts are probably brought to other countries by the sea because they can float. When the coconut is picked, it is still in a green husk. When removed the hairy, woody nut appears.

How to store
You can keep coconuts for 2-3 weeks in the fridge.
How to eat
There are three dark brown dots on the coconut. You can use the softest one to make a hole with a screwdriver or a narrow knife. Than drain the coconut water and drink it or process it in a smoothie, cocktail or fruit juice.
After this you can put the coconut into a towel and hit it in one place with a hammer until it breaks open and eat the delicious white coconut flesh.