Edamame is a delicious, proteinosis and exotic snack. Edamame means “bean” in the Japanese language. Edamame are young, unripe legumes from the soybean plant and that is why edamame is also known as soybeans. Edamame have to be cooked and often been served together with sushi.
Availability edamame

Edamame is originally from Japan. For years edamame is known in Japan as a healthy snack and is one of the oldest snack vegetables in the world.

How to store
You can keep the edamame (while in pod) for a couple of days in the fridge. Another option is to remove the beans from the pod and freeze them.
How to eat
Eat edamame as a snack or appetizer. Steam the edamame include the pod for a couple of minutes in salt water. You cause a reaction by putting the edamame directly in cold water afterwards, For a better taste you can sprinkle the edamame with sea salt. You can get the beans out of the pod by using your teeth or you use the beans in a Japanese salad or poke bowl.
Edamame contains soy, a common allergen, and can cause allergic reactions in individuals who are sensitive to soy.