This gigantic lemon is very special! Etrog lemons are sometimes 5 times larger than normal lemons. The distinctive thick skin is yellow and fragrant with a thick white mesocarp underneath and the flesh is light green. Etrog plays an important ritual role in the Jewish feast of tabernacles.

Availability etrog

The etrog is a fruit of Israeli origin, where it takes centre stage every year during the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. Together with a palm branch, two willow twigs and three myrtle twigs, the etrog forms the lulav. The lulav is a bundle of plants that is taken to the synagogue during the feast.

How to store
Do not store etrog in the refrigerator, but on the fruit bowl, where they can be kept for 1 to 2 weeks.
How to eat
The skin is wonderfully aromatic and therefore suitable for use as a seasoning for desserts. But you can also use etrog to make jam.