Kaki is a cheerful orange fruit with sweet, juicy flesh and a fairly firm skin. In appearance, kaki fruit look a bit like orange tomatoes, but with a taste that is like an apricot or mango.
Availability kaki

The kaki fruit is originally from Asia. It is the fruit of the kaki tree. The tree is a subtropical tree that is sometimes compared to an apple tree when seen from a distance. The botanical name is Diospyros, Dios stands for god and pyros means fruit, or: fruit of gods.

How to store
A kaki fruit ripens best at room temperature. If you want to keep the persimmons a little longer, it is best to put them in the fridge.
How to eat
Wait until the kaki fruit is nicely coloured orange, then it is ripe. You can use the persimmon as an addition to salads or make a fantastic chutney. You can of course also eat them out of hand.