Okra is a delicious, tropical vegetable. It has a nice, fresh, green colour and a spicy flavour which is perfect to add more flavour to dishes. A funny fact is that the English gave the nickname: Lady Fingers to okra because of the long shape of this vegetable.

Availability okra

Okra is originally from Ethiopia and were cultivated by the old Egyptians about the 12th century before Christ. Later on, okra has been spread out to Northern Africa and the Middle East.

How to store
You can keep okra outside the fridge for about two, three days. Freezing the okra is also an opportunity and could be held in good condition about one year.
How to eat
The okra is a multifunctional vegetable, you could cook, grill or stir-fry the okra. Keep in mind that okra need to cook shortly, a couple of minutes is already enough. Okra is also delicious to eat uncooked, for example in a salad.