Purple cauliflower
There are multiple colours of cauliflower on the market nowadays. Not only the traditional white cauliflower is popular, on the contrary: orange, purple and green cauliflowers are also getting attention. Purple cauliflower is a beautiful variety which triggers the human senses. The flavour is milder, sweeter and more creamier than the traditional white cauliflower.
Availability purple cauliflower

Cauliflower became popular in Northern Europe since the 18th century. There is still no clarity about the origins of the cauliflower but they guess it is a product from the Mediterranean area, Asia or Egypt. The coloured cauliflowers are new races which emerged from the traditional white one.

How to store
The best is to keep cauliflower in the fridge.
How to eat
Especially orange cauliflower loses the colour while cooking. Therefore is it important to stir-fry or to eat it raw to keep the colour. Cauliflower is also multifunctional. It can be roasted in the oven or could be rasped to get cauliflower rice.