Serenade chili pepper
Serenade chili peppers are tasty, slightly sweet peppers with a strong skin. It doesn’t score very high on the Scoville scale, so it’s a true friend to everyone.
Serenade at the Scoville scale
The Scoville scale is used to measure the amount of capsaicin to determine the “hotness” of the pepper. Capsaicin is a substance which stimulates receptors on the tongue that are sensitive to heat and pain. This gives a burning sensation. To prevent overheated situations, it is recommended to check the hotness on the Scoville scale!

Availability Serenade chili pepper

Chili peppers are originally from South America. The Spaniards brought them to Europe.

How to store
Chili peppers have to be kept in a cool place but preferably not in the fridge, as they tend to lose their taste.
How to eat
Halve the chili pepper and remove the seeds (unless you really like spicy of course). If necessary, use gloves when preparing these peppers and be careful not to rub your eyes.