Apple Blossom


Apple Blossom

Apple Blossom is a decorative heart-shaped flower with the fresh sour taste of green apples.

Availability Apple Blossom

Jaarrond beschikbaar


Apple Blossom is part of a wide family of ornamental plants. Be aware that only a few are edible. Apple Blossom has been tested and found safe for consumption.

Apple Blossom

How to store

Apple Blossom is available year round and can easily be stored for up to seven days at a temperature of 2-7°C.

Produced in a socially responsible culture, Apple Blossom meets the hygienic kitchen standards. The product is ready to use, since it is grown clean and hygienically.

How to eat

Apple Blossom goes well with desserts and cocktails. It can also be successfully combined with shellfish or smoked fish.


More information?

Would you like to know more about purchasing Apple blossom? Please contact one of our employees.