Beetroots are freshly sweet with a typical earthy taste. Beetroots come in two varieties: summer beets and winter beets. Summer beets are smaller. Beetroots exists in numerous beautiful colours such as red, white, yellow and chioggia (white with pink circles).
Availability beetroots

The Romans brought the beetroots to Central Europe. Beetroots come in two varieties: summer beetroots and winter beets. Most of the varieties are round to flat-round and can be harvested as of 5cm in diameter.

How to store
You can keep the summer beetroots in the fridge for about 3 days. Winter beetroots can better be kept at a cool place around 12 degrees.
How to eat
If you are going to boil or roast the beets, you do not have to peel them. It is advisable to brush off the sand first. You boil or roast the beet with the skin, which can be easily peeled off afterwards. If you would like to eat the beet raw, you can first peel it with a vegetable peeler and cut the ends off the beet.