Blimbing (Birambi)
Blimbing (Birambi) is also called blimbing and is related to carambola. In contrast to carambola, this fruit is generally not eaten raw, but processed in dishes. They are cooked with sugar, candied or made into chutney, jam or syrup. The fruits are also added to rice and fish dishes. The taste and smell is quite sour.
The blimbing grows on a 5 to 10 m high, evergreen tree with a short trunk and steeply rising branches. The exact area of origin of the blimbing is unknown, it is possible that the species originated from the Moluccas. Today, the species is cultivated worldwide in tropical regions.

How to store
You can keep a blimbing for about 6 days in the fruit bowl. You can keep this fruit a little longer in the fridge.
How to eat
Birambi is not usually eaten raw because of its sour taste. To balance the sourness, it is often used in chutneys, compote or syrup. Do you like a little sour taste? Then use them in fish or rice dishes.