Calico artichoke
These delicious, edible flower buds are a real delicacy! The Calico artichoke is a vegetable which is typical for the Mediterranean cuisine because of the exceptional soft and light, bitter flavour. Preparing artichokes takes some time and effort, but it’s definitely worth it! The Calico artichoke is bigger and rounder than normal artichokes.

Availability Calico artichoke

The plant has been eaten in the Mediterranean since the 8th century. It was not until later, in the 16th, 17th, century that the artichoke was also introduced to Northern Europe. When not harvested, the artichoke eventually grows into a beautiful purple colored flower.

How to store
Artichokes can be stored in the fridge for a couple of days.
How to eat
You can use the whole artichoke by cutting the stem a few centimeters below the flower. Then remove the bottom, hard leaves and cook the artichoke until it’s soft.
Do you want to use the artichoke heart only? First cut the stem as a whole. Pick or peel the leaves from the edge. Scoop out the “hay”. Then cut a thin slice off the bottom. Now you can cook the artichoke heart until it is soft.