Cara Cara orange
The cara cara orange is in first instance like a normal orange fruit. But when you cut the fruit in halve a delighted, soft pink colour appears. The orange is sweet and taste more complex than a normal orange.
Availability Cara Cara orange

The Cara Cara was discovered in 1976 on a plantation in Hacienda Cara Cara in Venezuela. Presumably it is a cross with the Washington navel orange. The fruit arrived in the United States via Florida in the late 1980s. It was not until much later that the fruit was also available in Europe. Our Cara Cara oranges come from Spain.

How to store
Do not store Cara Cara oranges in the refrigerator, but on the fruit bowl, where they can be kept for 1 to 2 weeks.
How to eat
You use this sweet orange just like a normal orange. The beautiful, soft pink flesh makes it look great in salads. But it is also irresistible if it gets out of hand!