Strawberries with whipped cream, pineapple, banana and even raspberry… As you can see, one can’t exactly agree on the taste. However, it’s almost impossible to argue about the fact that this heart-shaped fruit is absolutely delicious!
Availability cherimoya

Originally the cherimoya comes from the Andes mountains. There the fruits grow at an altitude of about 2,500 meters. But nowadays another variety is also grown in Spain. The heart-shaped fruits grow on small trees that generally reach a height of 9 meters.

How to store
You can store these fruits in a fruit bowl. When you can gently press the pulp of the cherimoya and the skin turns a little black, it is ripe. After this you can keep the cherimoya for another 2-3 days.
How to eat
Cherimoyas are delicious to empty with a spoon, but don’t forget to remove the seeds first as they are slightly poisonous. It also works well in a salad or smoothie or you can wrap them in a slice of raw ham for a delicious sweet-salty combination.