At first glance, these uniquely shaped tubers may not be very attractive. They look like maggots… But don’t let the shape fool you, because they are incredibly tasty. It is called a mix between potato and artichoke. The crosne owes many nicknames such as Chinese artichocke, Japanese potato, knot root, chorogi or statchy because of the taste and appearance.
Availability crosne

Crosne belongs to the family of lipped flowers whose edible tubers grew underground. They are originally from China but are now widely consumed and cultivated in France.

How to store
Keep the crosne at a dark and cool place.
How to eat
Crosne does not have to be peeled. A quick rinse with cold water and some brushing is sufficient. Blanch the tubers shortly and stir-fry afterwards. Crosne is also sometimes eaten raw as a snack vegetable.