Dandelion leaves
In Holland, dandelion is also called “mole lettuce” or “horse lettuce”. It’s the leaf of the dandelion flower. Dandelion is quite bitter and therefore grown in the dark, which results in a softer taste. The taste and colour is similar to chicory.
Availability Dandelion leaves

Dandelion leaves have been eten for a long time and therefore received numerous nicknames. For example, pig flower, rabbit leaf, horse lettuce, goose tongue or mole lettuce. The name mole lettuce comes from the following fact: when a molehill lands on a dandelion, the leaves become white and less bitter.

How to store
Keep dandelion leaves in the fridge.
How to use
Dandelion leaves could be eaten raw in a salad or could be blanched. Dandelion leaves have a bitter flavour.