Flying Dragon
The Flying Dragon, also known as trifoliate oranges, are small fruits with a yellow to orange, velvety skin. The fruits are not suitable for direct consumption due to their bitterness and sour taste. They contain relatively little juice and many seeds, but are appreciated for their aromatic properties. The velvety skin contains essential oils that release a delightful citrus-like fragrance. This scent is similar to that of oranges or lemons, but with a sharper and more complex undertone. These essential oils can be used in perfumes and cosmetics. Although the fruit itself is not eaten, the grated peel can be used as a flavor enhancer in beverages, as well as in savory and sweet dishes.
In traditional agricultural environments, the plant was often used as a natural fence. The sharp, twisting thorns make it difficult for animals and people to break through these hedges. In this regard, the plant has a long history of practical use, not only in East Asia but also in European and North American gardens. In traditional Chinese medicine, the Flying Dragon has been dried and used for centuries in herbal preparations to promote digestion, relieve coughs, and reduce inflammation.

How to store
It’s better not to store Dragon Fly in the refrigerator, but on a fruit bowl, where they will keep for 1 to 2 weeks.
How to eat
Dragon Fly contains many seeds and little juice, making them less attractive for direct, fresh consumption. However, they can be excellent when processed into marmalades or as a flavor addition for beverages. Bitter marmalade is one of the most well-known culinary applications. The bitterness of the fruit peel is balanced by sugar. The grated peel of the fruits can be used as an aromatic addition to baked goods, desserts, or sauces. Due to the intense aromas of the peel, the fruits can also be used to make liqueurs or bitters.