Lotus root
You may know lotus flowers as the beautiful flowers floating on the water. These flowers and leaves grow from the lotus roots that lies at the bottom of the water. The taste is similar to potato, but a bit sweeter. The lotus root is super decorative because a beautiful pattern of air chambers appears when cut.

Availability lotus roots

The lotus roots has an important meaning in the Hinduism and Buddhism. It is a symbol of divine birth and purity.

How to store
Lotus root can be stored airtight in the fridge.
How to eat
Peel the lotus roots before use and then cut into thin slices. If you are not going to use the slices immediately, it is smart to place them into a bowl of water and lemon juice or vinegar to prevent discoloration. You can eat lotus root raw in a salad or stew or bake it. Fry or bake in the oven with some oil to make delicious lotus roots fries!