The maracuja completes our beautiful assortment of passion fruit varieties . The fruit flesh is surprisingly refreshing and taste a bit more acid than the normal passion fruit. It’s delicious to spoon it out or to use in a salad or dessert.
Availability maracuja

The maracuja finds its origin in South-America where it has been eaten for centuries. The passion flora climbing plant has beautiful flowers that grow into maracujas

How to store
You can store maracuja in the refrigerator for about a week if it is not already wrinkled. The fruit will ripe and is the most delicious to eat when it is slightly wrinkled.
How to eat
Cut the maracuja open when it is yellow and slightly wrinkled, then it is at its best. Spoon out the pulp. The pulp looks good on sorbet, pastries or desserts or as a decoration for meat dishes. The pulp can also be (sifted) processed into juice.