Naga Jolokia
The Naga Jolokia, also known as the Ghost pepper or Bhut Jolokia, ranks as one of the hottest peppers in the world on the Scoville scale. The pepper is believed to come from Nagaland, a state of India, and is named after a venomous snake from the region.
Naga Jolokia at the Scoville scale
The Scoville scale is used to measure the amount of capsaicin to show the “hotness” of the pepper. Capsaicin is a substance which stimulates receptors on the tongue that are sensitive to heat and pain. This gives a burning sensation. To prevent overheated situations, it is recommended to check the hotness on the Scoville scale!

Availability Naga Jolokia

In the summer season this product is grown in Dutch greenhouses. During the winter season it is grown in Spain.

How to store
Chili peppers have to be kept in a cool place but preferably not in the fridge, as they tend to lose some flavour.
How to eat
This extremely spicy pepper is often used for chilli-eating competitions and challenges. Do you dare? Put on gloves when preparing this pepper, do not rub in your eyes! Be VERY careful.