The texture of a nectarine and the size of an apricot. The nectacot is a fantastic mix of these two delicious stone fruits: true love! It combines the juicy sweetness of a nectarine with the mild flavour of an apricot. The flesh is softer than that of a nectarine, but firmer than an apricot, making the nectacot ideal for salads, smoothies and desserts.
Availability nectacot

This fruit comes originally from Florida. Here special crossings are made such as the delicious nectacot. Nowadays they are as well grown in other countries such outside the USA for example South Africa.

How to store
Do not keep nectacots in the refrigerator, but in a cool place or a fruit bowl. The taste and aroma then remain at their best.
How to eat
Use the nectacot just like you would use an apricot or nectarine, so straight from the hand or processed in for example, pastries or salads. You can eat a nectacot with skin and all.