Ridge gourd (Teroi)
Ridge gourd (Teroi) comes from the cucumber family and has a neutral, slightly sweet taste. The taste is somewhere in between that of cucumber and zucchini. This exotic vegetable is also very similar in appearance to the cucumber. The young ridge gourd has a green, distinctive grooved skin with longitudinally pointed ridges. When the ridge cucumber becomes ripe, it develops a yellow skin, the taste becomes bitter and can no longer be eaten.
Ridge cucumber is native to northwestern India, but today it is grown worldwide in tropical areas. Bud holland imports the ambarella from the Dominican Republic. In addition to tourism, agriculture is an important sector for the Dominican Republic. The diversity of the landscape and the tropical climate make the Dominican Republic very suitable for year-round cultivation of a wide range of fruits and vegetables.

How to store
Store in the refrigerator for aprox. 1 week.
How to eat
Ridged cucumber is a popular ingredient in Asian cuisine and is most often used in curries, stir-fries or soup. Remove the skin from the ridged cucumber with a vegetable peeler and cut into slices or cubes. You can then cook, stew or stir-fry this vegetable.