


The Rocoto may look friendly but it’s a spicy chili. It may look like a cute, little red apple, but make no mistake! The Rocoto can be surprisingly spicy!

Rocoto at the Scoville scale

The Scoville scale is used to measure the amount of capsaicin to show the “hotness” of the pepper. Capsaicin is a substance which stimulates receptors on the tongue that are sensitive to heat and pain. This gives a burning sensation. To prevent overheated situations, it is recommended to check the hotness on the Scoville scale!

Availability rocoto pepper

Jaarrond beschikbaar


The Rocoto pepper is originally from Bolivia and Peru. Rocoto is one of the oldest chillies in the world, they were already grown by the Incas. In Spanish, the pepper is also called Manzano, which means apple and refers to the apple-like shape.



How to store

Chili peppers have to be kept in a cool place but preferably not in the fridge, as they tend to lose some flavour.

How to eat

Halve the chili pepper and remove the seeds (unless you like it really spicy). If necessary, use gloves when preparing these peppers and be careful not to rub your eyes. Use this pepper for delicious Peruvian and Japanese fusion dishes like ceviche or sushi.


More information?

Would you like to know more about purchasing Rocoto peppers? Please contact one of our employees.