Sakura Cress®
Sakura Cress® is the Koppert Cress brand name for an edible plant. Sakura Cress has the flavour of radish, and its beautiful deep red colour makes it a great visual addition to a dish too.
Availability Sakura Cress®

Sakura Cress is the dark purple version of our Daikon Cress®. In the last 10 years, we have carefully developed this variety under own supervision*. The unique red/purple colour is caused by increased Anthocyanin levels, a very healthy product, Up to 100% more than in normal radish.

How to store
Sakura Cress is available year round and can easily be stored for up to seven days at a temperature of 2-7°C. Produced in a socially responsible culture, Sakura Cress meets the hygienic kitchen standards.
The product is ready to use, since it is grown clean and hygienically.
How to eat
The cress adds a fresh, spicy taste to fatty dishes such as steak tartare or tuna. Sakura Cress has a wide range of uses, and it’s particularly good in cold dishes.