Scarlet Cress
Scarlet Cress is a very decorative cress with the mild flavour of red beet.
Availability Scarlet Cress

Scarlet Cress is part of a family of highly nutritious plants that is widely used as leaf vegetables, cereals or ornamentals throughout the tropics and in warmer regions. It is a rich source of vitamins and dietary minerals. The seeds are said to have a higher protein content than wheat.

How to store
Scarlet Cress is available year round and can easily be stored for up to seven days at a temperature of 2-7°C. Produced in a socially responsible culture, Scarlet Cress meets the hygienic kitchen standards.The product is ready to use, since it is grown clean and hygienically.
How to eat
The earthy taste of the cress combines well with sweet flavours in desserts. Combining it with fish or meat brings out the red beet flavour. Its colourful accent makes it a good addition to salads, too.