Puna Yam
Puna Yams are often confused with sweet potatoes, but in reality they are not even remotely related. Yams are tubers that grow mainly on the African continent and have a slightly sweet and starchy taste. Raw yams are slightly poisonous. Fortunately, that problem is quickly resolved when they are heated and you can eat this delicious vegetable without any problems.
Availability puna yams
The yam is a very old cultivated plant that was cultivated in Asia around 3000 BC. Today yam is still an important foodstuff in Africa.
How to store
The tubers can be stored for up to six months in temperatures up to 25 ° C.
How to eat
Raw yams are slightly poisonous. Fortunately, that problem is quickly resolved when they are heated and you can eat this delicious vegetable without any problems. Puna Yams can be boiled, baked, or fried. The tubers can also be processed into flour, chips and dough.