5 portions

6,5 hour

5 mangistan (peeled and pitted)
200ml coconut milk
150ml heavy cream
10 Medjoul dates (ontpit)
Optioneel: ice cream cones

Tropical mangosteen icecream

Whip the cream just barely stiff.

Puree the mangosteen segments with the dates and mix with the coconut milk.

Mix the puree with the whipped cream.

Pour the mixture into a low dish and place in the freezer for at least 6 hours.

Remove the bowl of mangosteen ice cream from the freezer a few minutes before serving and scoop into cones or bowls.



This special fruit is known as one of the most delicious fruits in the world, which is available all year round! The white flesh under the thick skin is soft and is similar to lychees in taste and structure. Mangosteen is cultivated on a small scale, making it a fairly rare fruit.

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