

Blood lemons

These unique red lemons are known as “blood lemons” because of their deep red skin. The skin is thick and more red on the sunny side and the taste is comparable to a “regular lemon”, but slightly sweeter. Blood lemons thrive in warm, Mediterranean climates. They require plenty of sunlight and grow best in well-drained soils.


Blood lemons, like other lemons, thrive in warm climates. They are mainly grown in areas with mild winters and hot summers. The Mediterranean region is known as a favorable growing environment for blood lemons. Exposure to cold temperatures during fruit ripening appears to stimulate the production of anthocyanins, resulting in the characteristic red color of the skin.



How to store

It is better not to store blood lemons in the refrigerator, but in the fruit bowl, where they can be kept for 1 to 2 weeks.

How to eat

Use the juice or grate the skin for various dishes, soft drinks and cocktails. Use a lemon wedge as decoration. The slightly thicker skin makes it easy to turn it into confit. The dried skin can be used to make tea blends.


More information?

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