Buckler Sorrel Leaves
These special edible leaves are for decorators, kitchen princesses and chefs with guts. Gently packed and ready to use. Beautiful to look at, a feast to play with, surprising to taste. For when you like tasty and beautiful. To surprise, amaze and create atmosphere. The Buckler Sorrel Leaves have a lemon taste and a small, fleshy leaf.
Availability Buckler Sorrel Leaves

These leaves are grown with love and attention. They grow on a nutrient and clean soil, or paper that is left over. No surface water is used for watering, but only tap water. No crop protection products are used either.

How to store
Store Buckler Sorrel Leaves between 2°C and 7°C for a maximum of 8 days.
How to eat
Use Buckler Sorrel Leaves in salads or as garnish for in soup or other dishes.