Gangnam Tops
A decorative and natural stem with a crunchy and fresh mouth feel. The fresh taste of the Gangnam Tops merges with a slightly bitter taste reminiscent of purslane.
Availability Gangnam Tops

Gangnam Tops are the stems of a plant originating from South Korea, also found in parts of China and Thailand. Gangnam Tops belong to the sedum family. We all know sedum best as a ground cover plant; it is less well known that various varieties are actually edible. In Korean cuisine, sedum was recognised as an edible wild vegetable as early as the 16th and 17th centuries: Namul, used in dishes such as Dolnamul. These plants only grow in the wild.
Koreans know the product mainly as a spring vegetable, and attribute a number of positive properties to it. It is claimed that the plant counteracts the ageing of young connective tissue due to the high concentration of polyphenols.

How to store
Gangnam Tops is available all year round. The storage temperature for this product is between 2-7°C. Produced according to socially responsible cultivation methods, Gangnam Tops satisfies hygiene standards in the kitchen. You can use this product directly, as it is cultivated cleanly and hygienically.
How to eat
The fresh taste of the Gangnam Tops merges with a slightly bitter taste reminiscent of purslane. Above all, Gangnam Tops make a tasty addition to salads or sandwiches, but combine well with multiple ingredients like oily fish; such as mackerel or herring, or vegetables; such as pumpkin, fennel, beans, pulses, and potato. Thanks to their mild flavour, they also go well with red fruits in desserts. The light green colour and the length of the Gangnam Tops make them exceptionally decorative. They therefore fit in well with today’s trends: the natural look and Nordic cuisine. Gangnam Tops are truly versatile.