


This special fruit is known as one of the most delicious fruits in the world, which is available all year round! The white flesh under the thick skin is soft and is similar to lychees in taste and structure. Mangosteen is cultivated on a small scale, making it a fairly rare fruit.


Availability mangosteen

Jaarrond beschikbaar


Mangosteen is originally from Malaysia and Thailand. Wild mangosteen trees have been found in the jungles of Thailand and the Moluccas. The fruit was widely used in traditional medicine in Southeast Asia.



How to store

Mangosteen has a shorter shelf life. You can keep the fruit at room temperature for 1 to 2 days. You can keep the mangosteen a little longer in a cool place of about 12 ° C.

How to eat

Break open the mangosteen with two thumbs and pick out the white wedges. They are delicious to eat as they are or to use in a salad

More information?

Would you like to know more about purchasing mangosteen? Please contact one of our employees.