Ponthier fruit purees – Blackberry
Blackberry purée is made with farmed blackberries, sweeter and softer than the wild fruit. Selected for their fruity and tangy flavour, these blackberries grown in the plains of Serbia are also even in size with a dark ruby-tinted colour. At full ripeness, these juicy berries are very fragile and our partner farmer hand-picks them in several stages to ensure we only use berries at the peak of ripeness therefore with the greatest flavour.
Ponthier fruit purees

De meeste van de Ponthier purees bestaan voor 100% uit puur groente of fruit. De andere varianten bestaan uit minimaal 90% puur fruit en maximaal 10% pure rietsuiker zonder additieven. Het fruit wordt steevast geoogst wanneer de rijpheid optimaal is, resulterend in een hoge brix-waarde en optimale smaak. Bovendien hebben de purees een lange houdbaarheid.

How to store
Store at + 2 ° C to + 6 ° C. Refrigerate after opening and use within 12 days.
How to eat
The possibilities of Ponthier Fruit purees are endless. Consider, for example, pastries (creams, compote, mouse, granita, icing, etc.) and drinks (cocktails, mocktails, smoothies, juices, milkshakes, coffee, etc.). But you can also cook with it. Consider, for example, sauces, dressings, marinades, soups and risottos.