Red onions
Do you prefer a slightly milder onion? Get yourself a red onion. This onion is crunchy, slightly sweet and has a bitter aftertaste. They cause fewer tears while cutting and have a less intense odor after eating.
Availability red onions

Onion was cultivated 3000 years b.C. in Asia and China and later in India. It was the Romans who introduced the onion to Europe. The Netherlands is now the largest exporting onion country in the world.

How to store
Store red onions in a cool, dark and dry place outside the refrigerator for several weeks.
How to eat
Red onions are delicious to eat raw, in guacamole or a salad or on a hamburger. It is also a great onion to pickle, which gives them a beautiful, bright pink color. Of course, red onion can also be fried. The taste becomes milder and sweeter.