Wood blewit
Wood blewit is a striking mushroom with a unique appearance, characterized by a beautiful purple colour on the stem. Although the mushroom retains its shape during cooking, the purple colour of the stem fades. Besides their distinctive look, these mushrooms are also appreciated for their firm texture and subtle nutty flavour.
Availability wood blewit
Wood blewit has been growing in deciduous and coniferous forests for centuries and is originated from Europe and North America. Due to its striking colour and firm texture, it’s a populair mushroom for gourmets and chefs.
How to store
Store wood blewit mushrooms in the refrigerator. They can be kept here for approximately 3 days.
How to use
Remove dirt carefully with a mushroom brush or a paper towel and cut off a pieces of the bottom of the stem before use. Bake, grill or boil the mushrooms and use them for a pasta or a sauce with meat. Wood blewit cannot be eaten raw.