Ponthier fruit purees – Guave
South Africa and Madagascar have two regions that offer all the specific characteristics that the guava boom has to offer with the flowers: sunlight in the river, volcanic ground that has good drainage. The quality of the guava boom can be large in tropical climates, producing a high quality product that has great expertise in iced teaing methods. The fruit is different and strong, as well as a guava of high quality and size.
Ponthier fruit purees

Most of the Ponthier purees consist of 100% pure vegetables or fruit. The other variants consist of a minimum of 90% pure fruit and a maximum of 10% pure cane sugar without additives. The fruit is invariably harvested when the ripeness is optimal, resulting in a high brix value and optimal taste. In addition, the purees have a long shelf life.

How to store
Store at + 2 ° C to + 6 ° C. Refrigerate after opening and use within 12 days.
How to eat
The possibilities of Ponthier Fruit purees are endless. Consider, for example, pastries (creams, compote, mouse, granita, icing, etc.) and drinks (cocktails, mocktails, smoothies, juices, milkshakes, coffee, etc.). But you can also cook with it. Consider, for example, sauces, dressings, marinades, soups and risottos.