2 persons

10 minutes

1 red pomelo (cut into cubes)

2 avocados (cut into cubes))

500 g cooked shrimps

1 red chilli (in thin rings)

50 g unsalted peanuts (finely chopped)

15 round banana leaves

50 ml coconut milk

1 lime

15 ml soy sauce

1 el. brown sugar

1 el. vegetable oil

Pomelosalad with Readylicious® avocado

Roll each banana leaf into a cone and attach a skewer on the seam. Mix the red pomelo, Readylicious® avocado, shrimp, and chili pepper in a bowl. Set aside.

Roast the chopped peanuts in a dry saucepan until golden brown.

Grate the zest from the lime and set aside. Cut the lime in half and squeeze the lime juice.

Mix the lime juice with the coconut milk, soy sauce, vegetable oil and brown sugar.

Fill each banana leaf cone with the shrimp salad, drizzle with the coconut-lime dressing, roasted peanuts and lime zest.


Readylicious® Avocado

Mmm… Rea-dy-Li-cious! Fruit and vegetable products of Readylicious® are ready to eat. You find them in the fruit and vegetable section, ready to eat, so you can enjoy them today. They have been cultivated, transported and cuddled according to the Ripe & Ready concept.

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