  • Romanesco oranje

Orange romanesco


In addition to the well-known green romanesco, there is also a beautiful orange variety. This orange-colored type of cabbage has a wonderfully soft taste and is sometimes referred to as turret cauliflower because of all the small, beautiful 'turrets'. The orange color has everything to do with the presence of carotene in the soil.

Orange romanesco2024-04-19T14:52:19+02:00
  • Witte Romanesco

White romanesco


In addition to the well-known green romanesco, there is also a beautiful white variant. This white-colored cabbage variety has a wonderfully soft taste and has received the nickname "tower cauliflower" because of all the small, beautiful towers.

White romanesco2023-02-07T21:30:22+01:00
  • Green cauliflower

Green cauliflower


In addition to the normal white cauliflower, there are also colored varieties such as purple, orange and green cauliflower. Green cauliflower is a wonderful variety that will stimulate your senses!The green cauliflower has a slightly stronger taste.

Green cauliflower2024-04-30T11:35:04+02:00
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Purple kale


Purple kale is a real “eye-catcher”. This beautiful type of cabbage is a winter cabbage and has enough resistance to endure the frost. In fact, the frost turns the starch of the kale into sugars. As a result, It tastes even better.

Purple kale2022-06-14T10:43:38+02:00
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Red pointed cabbage


It is a beautiful type of cabbage which is red/violet coloured. Red pointed cabbage is a mix between oxheart cabbage en red cabbage. It has a crispy bite and a soft, light sweet flavour. The colour of the vegetable is a feast for the eye.

Red pointed cabbage2023-01-09T17:03:39+01:00
  • Romanesco



Romanesco is a delicious yellow-green coloured type of cabbage. The flavour is softer than the normal white cauliflower. This cabbage has received the nickname “tower cauliflower” because of the small, beautiful towers.

  • Cavolo nero

Cavolo Nero


This delicious type of cabbage is originally from the Toscano region in Italy. The leaves of the Cavolo Nero are small, wrinkly and have a dark green colour. The taste of this vegetable is comparable to kale, but sweeter.

Cavolo Nero2025-01-28T14:25:37+01:00
  • Cauliflower purple

Purple cauliflower


There are multiple colours of cauliflower on the market nowadays. Not only the traditional white cauliflower is popular, on the contrary: orange, purple and green cauliflowers are also getting attention. Purple cauliflower is a beautiful variety which triggers the human senses. The flavour is milder, sweeter and more creamier than the traditional white cauliflower.

Purple cauliflower2024-04-30T11:38:15+02:00
  • Orange cauliflower

Orange cauliflower


There are multiple colours of cauliflower on the market nowadays. Not only the traditional white cauliflower is popular, on the contrary: orange, purple and green cauliflowers are also getting attention. Orange cauliflower is a beautiful variety which triggers the human senses. The orange colour arises because the presence of carotene in the ground. The orange variety has a deep orange colour and the florets have a sweeter flavour.

Orange cauliflower2024-04-30T11:38:18+02:00
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