Delicious specialties from Bella Italy

Imagine a fertile land caressed by the sea. The same seas that brought us the ancient peoples and traditions. A country crossed by rivers. Protected by green mountains which are kissed by the sun all year round. The cradle of the Mediterranean diet. Where nature gives us generous tastes, smells and biodiversity: this is Italy.

The season of delicious specialties from Bella Italia is starting again. View our range here and get inspired. Delizioso!

Monk's beard


Monk’s beard

Monk’s beard is also called Barba di Frata , the Italian translation of monk’s beard. Monk’s beard has a delicious, salty taste and grows in salty marshes along the Mediterranean Sea.


 Treviso Precoce

This beautiful vegetable is related to radicchio salad and therefore has the same characteristic, slightly bitter taste. The leaves are dark red-purple with white veins and therefore very decorative. Treviso Precoce is only grown in the Veneto region of Italy.

Treviso Tardivo


Treviso tardivo

Treviso Tardivo is characterized by a rosette of long narrow leaves with a wide white midrib and a narrow leaf at the top. In addition, it is a type of lettuce which is rich in iron, calcium and vitamin c.


Cavolo nero

This delicious type of cabbage is originally from the Toscano region in Italy. The leaves of the cavolo nero are small, wrinkly and have a dark green colour. The taste of this vegetable is comparable to kale, but sweeter.

Cavolo nero
Tropea onion


Tropea onion

Tropea onions are considered as the most delicious type of red onions in the world. It is a beautiful red onion with an oval shape. The onion tastes wonderfully sweet and has a strong aroma. They can be found in Italian city of Tropea, where many shops display braids of red onions. The Tropea jelly has become a popular souvenir, it tastes great on bruschetta!


Borettane onion

The Borettane onion has a flat, oval shape. Compared to other onions, the Borettane onion tastes less sharp and more excuisite. It is an ancient, Italian type of onion, which originated in the town of Boretto, a small village on the Po river.

Boretana uien


Peperoncino chili pepper

Peperoncino is simply the Italian translation of the word chili pepper. The Italian peppers are quite hot and score 15,000 to 30,000 on the Scoville scale. Every year the annual Peperoncini festival is held in the Calbrian town of Diamante! Ten thousand people come here and there is even a food contest where they compete to see who can eat the most peperoncini!


Borlotti beans

These festive pink-speckled beans are a real treat for the eye. But the taste is also fantastic, wonderfully sweet and nutty. They are very popular in Italy and are used in pasta, risotto and salads.

Borlotti bonen



Puntarelle is a happy looking vegetable which is recognisable by long shaped, thin leaves attached to a white stem. The flavour could be descripted as nutty and bitter. Puntarelle is a vegetable with own instructions, but definitely worth it!


Amalfi lemon

Grown in the Amalfi region of Italy, this lemon is known as the most aromatic lemon in the world! The Amalfi lemon is sweeter than a normal lemon and has an edible peel. It is therefore used in the process of making of the famous liquor Limoncello.

Amalfi lemon



Bergamot is also known under the name “lucky fruit”. It is a crossing between a lemon and a bitter orange. The pulp of this citrus fruit has a calming and uplifting effect. It is therefore not surprising that this Italian citrus fruit is often used in perfumes, but also in the well-known Earl Gray tea. The citrus fruit gets its name from the place where it comes from: the Italian city of Bergamo.



This type of lettuce originated from a mix between red chicory and endive. It is a lettuce looking vegetable which is very decorative. The leaves are beautiful green to red coloured and have red-pink “splashes”.

Cimi di Rapa


Cime di rapa

Cime di rapa is a delicious, Mediterranean vegetable which looks like broccoli and also is related to turnip greens. In Italy they occur mostly in the Apulia region. Cime di rapa has a bitter flavour and most of the time it is combined in Italy with Orecchiette and pesto.



This gigantic lemon is very special! Etrog lemons are sometimes 5 times larger than normal lemons. The distinctive thick skin is yellow and fragrant with a thick white mesocarp underneath and the flesh is light green. Etrog plays an important ritual role in the Jewish feast of tabernacles.

Swiss chard


Swiss chard

The flavour of this vegetable is a delicious mix of spinach and red beetroots. De stems are coloured in the colours of the rainbow. The leaves are green and the nerves have the same colour as the stem.