Sanne Vermeulen2025-02-19T09:09:24+01:00Ginger is an indispensable part of the world kitchen today. The fresh, sharp and unique taste gives body to many dishes! Ginger is a tuber, extracted from the rhizome of the ginger plant.
Ginger is an indispensable part of the world kitchen today. The fresh, sharp and unique taste gives body to many dishes! Ginger is a tuber, extracted from the rhizome of the ginger plant.
The Forono beet is a delicious, slightly sweet beet, which is appreciated for its special taste. The Forono beet has an elongated and cylindrical shape.
The Crapaudine primeval beet is the name of an elongated tuber with a rough bark. The beet was already eaten in the Middle Ages and is an ancestor of many beet varieties that emerged later. The taste is more powerful and earthy than any other beetroot variety.
Beetroots are freshly sweet with a typical earthy taste. Beetroots come in two varieties: summer beets and winter beets. Summer beets are smaller. Beets exists in numerous beautiful colours such as red, white, yellow and chioggia (white with pink circles).
Beets are also called beetroot and are freshly sweet with a typical earthy taste. Peeling and cooking beets can be a time-consuming job. Fortunately, there is a solution for this: ready-to-eat beets.This way, a healthy dish is on the table in no-time!
Although the name might suggest otherwise, this delicious, sweet tuber is not a "real" potato. Sweet potatoes come in many colors and varieties. There are, for example, purple, white, orange and red sweet potatoes. It is a popular and important crop worldwide and extremely versatile.
Lamb’s lettuce used to grow among the grain, hence the name lamb’s lettuce. For a long time, people thought it was a type of weed, but luckily they eventually discovered that these fine, green leaves are very tasty. The cheerful leaves are light to dark green and the flavour is mild.
Rumex are young lettuce leaves which taste a bit sour!
In recent years, rocket salad has conquered many cuisines worldwide. Although it was not that long ago that rocket salad was unknown, it is now indispensable for many people. Rocket salad is a delicious, peppery, leafy vegetable with a powerful flavour.
These small lettuce leaves are bright green and have a red vein. Red Chard is also known as Swiss Chard, but in an early stage.
Red mustard leaves bring a powerful mustard flavour. The lettuce is usually eaten raw and can be recognized by its red-green coloured leaves.
This delicious, Japanese leafy vegetable has a slightly peppery flavour and consists of thinly frilled leaves. Mizuna baby leaves come in red and green.
This is the “baby” variety of kale. It has beautiful, fine leaves and the taste of this baby kale is wonderfully fresh and slightly spicy. Although kale has the reputation of a winter vegetable, this baby variety is also great for summer salads!
Mesclun is a delicious mix of different types of lettuce which are early harvested. Mesclun is Latin for “mixture”. The lettuce mix mainly contains American and Japanese varieties.
Bulls Blood is a beautiful type of lettuce with deep red-purple leaves. It is actually the leaf of a Bulls Blood beet. The taste is sweet-bitter and slightly earthy. Because of its beautiful colour, this colorful lettuce variety is great to combine with green leaves.
These little spinach baby leaves are deliciously tender and have a strong flavour. Despite its small size, it contains many nutrients. No wonder Popeye became so strong! Did you know that Popeye ensured that spinach sales increased by 30%?
In Holland, dandelion is also called “mole lettuce” or “horse lettuce”. It's the leaf of the dandelion flower. Dandelion is quite bitter and therefore grown in the dark, which results in a softer taste. The taste and colour is similar to chicory.
Little gems are nice, small lettuce heads which are ready to use and they have a slightly sweet flavour. The nice thing about Little Gem is that you can also grill or steam the heads. When Little Gem is steamed, it tastes a bit like asparagus.
Ice plant lettuce is a type of lettuce which comes from France. Ice plant lettuce has a nice, slightly salted flavour. This special lettuce received its name from the glittering blisters on the stems and leaves. The leaves look like frozen droplets, how beautiful can it be?
In addition to the normal white cauliflower, there are also colored varieties such as purple, orange and green cauliflower. Green cauliflower is a wonderful variety that will stimulate your senses!The green cauliflower has a slightly stronger taste.
Purple kale is a real “eye-catcher”. This beautiful type of cabbage is a winter cabbage and has enough resistance to endure the frost. In fact, the frost turns the starch of the kale into sugars. As a result, It tastes even better.
It is a beautiful type of cabbage which is red/violet coloured. Red pointed cabbage is a mix between oxheart cabbage en red cabbage. It has a crispy bite and a soft, light sweet flavour. The colour of the vegetable is a feast for the eye.
Romanesco is a delicious yellow-green coloured type of cabbage. The flavour is softer than the normal white cauliflower. This cabbage has received the nickname “tower cauliflower” because of the small, beautiful towers.
This delicious type of cabbage is originally from the Toscano region in Italy. The leaves of the Cavolo Nero are small, wrinkly and have a dark green colour. The taste of this vegetable is comparable to kale, but sweeter.
There are multiple colours of cauliflower on the market nowadays. Not only the traditional white cauliflower is popular, on the contrary: orange, purple and green cauliflowers are also getting attention. Purple cauliflower is a beautiful variety which triggers the human senses. The flavour is milder, sweeter and more creamier than the traditional white cauliflower.
There are multiple colours of cauliflower on the market nowadays. Not only the traditional white cauliflower is popular, on the contrary: orange, purple and green cauliflowers are also getting attention. Orange cauliflower is a beautiful variety which triggers the human senses. The orange colour arises because the presence of carotene in the ground. The orange variety has a deep orange colour and the florets have a sweeter flavour.
After a while in the sun, these tomatoes went into a delicious marinade bath full of fresh Mediterranean herbs. They contain no artificial additives and can be used in salads, tomato sauce or pasta, or make delicious tapenade.
The JOYN tomatoes® were marketed after spending a lot of time on research, experimenting, tasting en testing. It is a tomato bursting of flavour, a firm structure and a good balance between a sweet and sour. As soon as you have a JOYN® tomato in your hands, you can smell and taste it: this vine tomato brings out the best in all your recipes.
You spontaneously will start salivating when you see the honey tomatoes® for the first time: A bunch of dark red, sweet tomatoes fresh from the grower. Honey tomatoes® are a unique, delicious delicacy with an exceptional sweet taste.
The wild Asparagus is an unknown kind of vegetable. But in fact: The wild asparagus is not really a sort of asparagus but has the stems of the hyacinth flower. The flavour of the wild asparagus is nutty and more spicy.
The look of this product is just as special as the number of (nick)names given to this vegetable: sopropo, balsam pear, bitter melon and paré. Karela tastes quite bitter and is comparable to zucchini.
Lemon grass is an indispensable vegetable in the Asian cuisine. Lemon grass is a white, yellow stem which has a fresh sour, lemony flavour.
Corn is because of the sweet cornels and multifunctionality a fantastic vegetable. Did you know that corn is not real a vegetable but a cereal? Sweetcorn is a delicious, sweet cereal variant.
Preparing corn can take some time. That is why precooked corn is a handy solution. Precooked corn are packed by two and vacuum sealed. The corn is easy to prepare and have a really sweet flavour.
Choclo corn can be recognised by the white, big corn kernels. Another name for Choclo corn is “giant corn”. The creamy structure makes this corn the best, most loved and popular vegetable of Peru. “Choclo con queso” (Choclo with cheese) is a famous street dish in Peru and above all, Choclo corn is the most important ingredient of the Peruvian “Ceviche”.
Morado corn is a beautiful deep purple, almost black corn cob from Peru. The corn cob is incredibly popular, especially at the coastal areas. Morado corn is the most important ingredient for the traditional Chicha Morada drink. You can taste this fresh, spicy drink in the streets of Peru, where they are sold on every corner.
The yellow zucchini is a long shaped vegetable with a beautiful yellow skin. The pulp has a lighter and whiter colour than the green zucchini, but tastes exactly the same.
Okra is a delicious, tropical vegetable. It has a nice, fresh, green colour and a spicy flavour which is perfect to add more flavour to dishes. A funny fact is that the English gave the nickname: Lady Fingers to okra because of the long shape of this vegetable.
This vegetable received the nickname “The white gold” and there is a reason for it. Asparagus are young sprouts of the asparagus plant and have a slightly glossy, white colour. The white asparagus have a white colour because the grow process is completely held in the dark. Because the lack of sunlight, the plant has no possibility to develop a green colour and that's how the white asparagus arises.
These delicious, edible flower buds are a real delicacy! The Calico artichoke is a vegetable which is typical for the Mediterranean cuisine because of the exceptional soft and light, bitter flavour. Preparing artichokes takes some time and effort, but it's definitely worth it! The Calico artichoke is bigger and rounder than normal artichokes.
These festive, pink-speckled beans are a real treat to the eye. But the taste is also fantastic, sweet and nutty, They are loved in Italy and are used in pasta, risotto and salads.
Sugar snaps are a mix between garden peas and mangetouts. This makes them taste sweeter than the mangetouts and that is where the name sugar snaps comes from. You can eat the sugar snaps all in once. The great thing about the sugar snaps is that they stay fresh and crunchy during preparation.
This flat, crunchy and slightly sweet legume has become an indispensable part of world cuisine. They are the young pods of a pea variety, but unlike many pea varieties, this vegetable is not harvested for its peas (because they are tiny) but for the whole pod.
Carobs are the pods of the carob tree. The pods are quite special since they harden and dry quickly. Carob got a sweet flavour and after it has been roasted or crunched, it can be added to a dish. Back in the days carob was eaten as a delicacy for poor people. Nowadays it is used in syrup or alcoholic drinks.
Edamame is a delicious, proteinosis and exotic snack. Edamame means “bean” in the Japanese language. Edamame are young, unripe legumes from the soybean plant and that is why edamame is also known as soybeans. Edamame have to be cooked and often been served together with sushi.
This special long mangetout looks a little bit like a stretched green bean. The original name is “vigna unguiculata”. It means “one and a half feet long”. The long bean can only reach a big length under warm circumstances.
Haricots verts are green beans, which are harvested in an earlier stage causing a softer, subtler flavour and a thinner look. Unlike normal green beans, haricot verts do not 'squeek' while eating.
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