• Coco-de-Paimpol-IGP

Haricot Coco de Paimpol I.G.P.


Haricot Coco de Paimpol is a white bean variety with a refined taste that is very popular among chefs. This striking bean is named after the beautiful coastal region of Paimpol in France, where these beans are grown in a defined area. What is special is that these beans are still harvested by hand, while most beans are harvested mechanically. The Haricot Coco de Paimpol beans have a I.G.P. certification.

Haricot Coco de Paimpol I.G.P.2024-11-08T10:42:26+01:00
  • Tindoro Parval

Pointed gourd (Parwal)


The pointed gourd, also called parwal, comes from the same family as the cucumber. This vegetable is often confused with tindola, as they are very similar in shape and size. The pointed gourd has a smooth green skin on the outside with, in most cases, white stripes. On the inside, the pointed gourd has large round pips. The size can vary from small and round to thick and long. Unlike cucumbers, the pointed gourd is not eaten raw.

Pointed gourd (Parwal)2022-07-14T15:57:00+02:00
  • Teroi

Ridge gourd (Teroi)


Ridge gourd (Teroi) comes from the cucumber family and has a neutral, slightly sweet taste. The taste is somewhere in between that of cucumber and zucchini. This exotic vegetable is also very similar in appearance to the cucumber. The young ridge gourd has a green, distinctive grooved skin with longitudinally pointed ridges. When the ridge cucumber becomes ripe, it develops a yellow skin, the taste becomes bitter and can no longer be eaten.

Ridge gourd (Teroi)2023-11-30T12:28:16+01:00
  • Snake Gourd

Snake gourd


The snake gourd owes its name to its striking appearance. Due to its long, thin, curled shape, this characteristic pumpkin resembles a snake. The snake gourd is eaten as a young fruit and is a beloved ingredient of chefs because of its mild taste. As the snake gourd ripens, the flesh changes color and has a bitter taste, making it unappetizing to eat.

Snake gourd2022-07-14T15:14:06+02:00
  • Nenwa 500px

Sponge gourd (Nenwa)


Sponge gourd (Nenwa) is a tropical family member of the cucumber family and, like its well-known brother, has a cylindrical elongated shape. This young, soft vegetable has a slightly sweet taste. Sponge gourd has a firm skin and is spongy inside. The Sponge gourd is also called Nenwa cucumber or loofah.

Sponge gourd (Nenwa)2023-11-30T13:05:39+01:00

Tindola (Tindora)


Tindola originates from the same family as cucumbers and has many similarities in appearance. Smooth green skin on the outside and small seeds on the inside. This vegetable is a lot smaller than its well-known relative and is therefore also called a mini cucumber. Unlike (mini) cucumbers, the tindola is not eaten raw. Tindola tastes a little sour when eaten raw, but otherwise they are quite neutral.

Tindola (Tindora)2024-01-11T13:51:51+01:00
  • Lauki

Bottle gourd (Lauki)


Bottle gourd, also called Lauki, can be encountered in different forms. They can be round, pear-shaped or bottle-shaped, but usually the lauki has a curved shape, just like the well-known cucumber. Bottle gourd is a young fruit with a smooth, green skin on the outside and deliciously juicy, white-greenish flesh on the inside, just like the zucchini. It will therefore not surprise you that this special fruit is related to the cucumber, zucchini and melon. Bottle gourd can be boiled and stewed and served as a vegetable.

Bottle gourd (Lauki)2023-11-30T09:26:43+01:00
  • Drumsticks

Moringa beans (Drumsticks)


No, not the drumsticks you eat with your Friday afternoon drinks! These drumsticks are the fruit of the moringa tree, which is often referred to as the miracle tree. Almost all parts of the moringa are useful and very nutritious. The beans, seeds, roots, flowers and leaves can be eaten and the juice and oil used for medicines and dyes. The tree is therefore increasingly used to fight hunger in developing countries.

Moringa beans (Drumsticks)2022-07-14T15:47:42+02:00
  • Erwt aubergine

Pea eggplant


No, this is not a bunch of grapes! And not a bunch of peas either. These are very small eggplants. The taste is quite bitter and they can be eaten raw, but they are usually used in curries. It is a popular product in Thai, Lao and Indian cuisines.

Pea eggplant2022-08-02T11:36:24+02:00
  • Naga jolokia los

Naga Jolokia


The Naga Jolokia, also known as the Ghost pepper or Bhut Jolokia, ranks as one of the hottest peppers in the world on the Scoville scale. The pepper is believed to come from Nagaland, a state of India, and is named after a venomous snake from the region.

Naga Jolokia2022-08-18T13:33:56+02:00



These young, light green stems have a crunchy texture and a nice fresh taste. Celery can be eaten raw, but is also often used in soup and sauce. Heating celery makes it softer in taste and structure.

  • SudNSol Bruschetta van gegrilde groente

Sud’n’Sol Bruschetta of grilled and marinated vegetables


The vegetable Sud'n'Sol Bruschetta is a delicious concassé of semi-dried tomatoes, zucchinis, yellow peppers and grilled eggplants with Mediterranean flavours. Prepared from fresh, semi-dried or grilled vegetables, crushed and then mixed with oils and aromatic herbs.

Sud’n’Sol Bruschetta of grilled and marinated vegetables2022-06-13T10:25:44+02:00
  • SudNsol tomatade

Sud’n’Sol Tomatade


Sud'n'Sol Tomatade is a tasty preparation made from semi-dried tomatoes with Mediterranean flavors. Prepared from fresh tomatoes, candied, then mixed with oils and aromatic herbs. Delicious to use as a spread on a piece of crusty baguette or toast, or as a base for a pasta or soup.

Sud’n’Sol Tomatade2022-06-13T10:25:51+02:00
  • SudNSol champignons

Marinated & grilled Sud’n’Sol mushrooms


Sud'n'Sol grilled mushrooms are delicious slices of grilled mushrooms with Mediterranean flavors. Prepared from fresh mushrooms, cut into strips, grilled and then mixed with oils and aromatic herbs.

Marinated & grilled Sud’n’Sol mushrooms2022-06-13T10:25:54+02:00
  • SudNSol courgettes

Marinated & grilled Sud’n’Sol zucchinis


Sud'n'Sol grilled zucchinis are delicious slices of grilled zucchinis with Mediterranean flavors. Prepared from fresh zucchinis , cut into strips, grilled and then mixed with oils and aromatic herbs.

Marinated & grilled Sud’n’Sol zucchinis2022-06-13T10:25:57+02:00
  • SudNSol aubergine

Marinated & grilled Sud’n’Sol eggplant


Sud'n'Sol grilled eggplants are delicious slices of grilled eggplants with Mediterranean flavors. Prepared from fresh eggplants, cut into strips, grilled and then mixed with oils and aromatic herbs.

Marinated & grilled Sud’n’Sol eggplant2024-04-30T11:12:05+02:00
  • SudNSol paprika

Sun dried & marinated Sud’n’ Sol peppers


Sud'n'Sol peppers are delicious slices of grilled red and yellow bell peppers, marinated with Mediterranean flavors. Prepared from fresh bell peppers, cut into strips, grilled and mixed with oils and aromatic herbs.

Sun dried & marinated Sud’n’ Sol peppers2022-06-13T10:26:18+02:00
  • White tip radish

White tip radish


The white tip radish is an oval-shaped, crunchy and spicy root. The taste is peppery and the structure is firm and juicy. The radish is called white tip because the root which changes color from red-pink to white.

White tip radish2025-02-19T07:22:17+01:00
  • Ijspegels

White icicle


When you see these elongated radishes, it's not surprising that the name of this vegetable is “icicles”. This radish variety resembles a small variety of the radish. White icicles taste slightly milder than radishes and the foliage is also edible.

White icicle2025-02-19T07:22:27+01:00
  • Rainbow radish

Rainbow radish


A feast for the eye and for the mouth, these rainbow radishes. Pink, white and purple, perfectly round radishes with velvety, green leaves. The white variety is slightly spicier than the red and purple variety. Did you know that you can also finely chop the radish leaves and use them in a salad?

Rainbow radish2025-02-19T07:22:36+01:00
  • Witpunt rainbow radijs

White tip rainbow radish


The white tip radish is an oval-shaped, crunchy and spicy root. The taste is peppery and the structure is firm and juicy. The radish is called white tip because the root which changes color from red-pink to white.

White tip rainbow radish2025-02-19T07:13:02+01:00
  • Elephant garlic

Elephant garlic


As the name suggests, elephant garlic is an oversized garlic variety. The taste is slightly less sharp than the original. Funny detail: elephant garlic is more related to leek than garlic.

Elephant garlic2022-06-13T11:15:14+02:00
  • Black onions

Black onion


Meet black garlic's sister, black onion. For this, yellow onions are placed in ovens for weeks. The result is a black, fermented onion bursting with healthy properties. Unique and soft in taste, creamy in texture. The taste is best described as: subtle hints of soy, balsamic and raisins. This makes black onion a delicious delicacy.

Black onion2022-06-28T11:02:11+02:00
  • Steamed Sweet Potato

Steamed sweet potato


This halved sweet potato is steamed and vacuum packed, preserving all vitamins, nutritional values and flavour. They only need 2 minutes in the microwave or 10 minutes in the oven.

Steamed sweet potato2022-01-28T08:25:37+01:00
  • Micro radish

Micro radish


These micro radishes are not only very nice to see, they are also very tasty! They are slightly spicy and edible from head to toe, including the foliage. They are available in red, white and white point.

Micro radish2025-02-19T07:21:15+01:00
  • Mini Eggplant

Mini eggplant


Mini eggplant may be small in size, but they're big in flavour! There is a purple variety, a purple-white striped variety (graffiti) and a green variety (Thai Green Tomato). Mini eggplants are great to fill with, for example, minced meat or vegetables.

Mini eggplant2021-10-01T11:16:09+02:00
  • Oca



This beautiful tuber has a sweet taste and a low starch content. This gives a less starchy texture than normal potatoes. Oca is very versatile, so it can be used in both sweet and savoury dishes. Fresh oca has a crispy texture that is comparable to carrots. Oca can be white, orange, red, pink and purple of colour.

  • Mashua



Mashua are tubers that can be eaten boiled or used in soups. Due to their sharp taste, they are not suitable to eat in a raw condition. Mashua tubers are available in different shapes and colours. The potatoes are very goodlooking; creamy white to yellow with pink to dark purple eyes.

  • Sea lavendar

Sea lavender


Sea lavender belongs to the sea vegetable. This plant cannot survive without salt water. A delicious salty vegetable, which goes well with fish dishes. They are also called sea aster.

Sea lavender2023-04-06T07:57:49+02:00
  • Cordifole sla

Cordifole lettuce


Cordifole is a family of ice lettuce and has a fresh and slightly sour lemon flavor. The leaves are sturdy and heart-shaped.

Cordifole lettuce2023-07-06T11:59:47+02:00
  • Mini shanghai pack choi

Shanghai pak choi


Shanghai pak choi is a Chinese leafy vegetable and is related to the Chinese cabbage and can be used raw and cooked. Ideal for Asian wok meals, for example with salmon and sweet and sour sauce.

Shanghai pak choi2024-04-30T11:12:46+02:00
  • Chayote



Chayote is a green-skinned smooth pear-shaped fruit, about 7-10 cm in size. The pulp of chayote is greenish-white and the taste is a bit like a cucumber.

  • Yellow beans

Yellow beans


Yellow beans are delicious beans that turn yellow when they turn ripe. They resemble normal green beans but are creamier and have a softer taste.

Yellow beans2021-03-24T14:30:35+01:00
  • Salicornia



Salicornia (also called samphire) is a crunchy sea vegetable. The taste is salty and also resembles spinach. The plants grow in salt swamps, on beaches and between mangroves.

  • Yam 2

Puna Yam


Puna Yams are often confused with sweet potatoes, but in reality they are not even remotely related. Yams are tubers that grow mainly on the African continent and have a slightly sweet and starchy taste. Raw yams are slightly poisonous. Fortunately, that problem is quickly resolved when they are heated and you can eat this delicious vegetable without any problems.

Puna Yam2024-04-04T13:18:40+02:00
  • Red onions

Red Onions


Do you prefer a slightly milder onion? Get yourself a red onion. This onion is crunchy, slightly sweet and has a bitter aftertaste. They cause fewer tears while cutting and have a less intense odor after eating.

Red Onions2022-06-28T10:59:40+02:00
  • yellow onion

Yellow Onions


The onion, like leeks, garlic and chives, belongs to the onion family. The yellow onion has a golden, yellow skin and is white inside. The flesh is firm and has a spicy taste.

Yellow Onions2022-06-28T11:03:10+02:00
  • Wakame



Wakamé is also known as sea fern and has an olive green to brown color, with a rubbery, long and smooth single leaves with wavy edges. The sea vegetable can grow up to two meters high. Wakamé is often processed into a delicious Japanese seaweed salad.

  • Knoflookstrengen

Garlic Strand


Garlic is braided immediately after harvest, when the green foliage is still fresh. After this, the garlic strands are dried and will be ready for sale. Garlic strands consist of bulbs with up to 8-9 cloves. Garlic provides a lot of taste and is an important ingredient in the Asian and Mediterranean cuisine.

Garlic Strand2024-04-18T13:44:47+02:00
  • Gekleurde-rettich

Coloured radish


Colored radish is native to China and is 5 centimeters bigger than the regular radish. The radish is white on the outside, but on the inside it can be red, blue, green, pink or pink-green. The pink-green variety is also called watermelon radish.

Coloured radish2025-02-19T07:21:20+01:00
  • Sea Purslane

Sea Purslane


For the love of salt, the surprising effect of combining land and sea. Sea Purslane has a slight oil looking, sea salt taste.

Sea Purslane2022-01-28T08:31:00+01:00
  • Sea Okahijki

Sea Okahijki


For the love of salt, the surprising effect of combining land and sea. Sea Okahijki has first a peppery taste and it become salts afterwards.

Sea Okahijki2022-01-28T08:31:33+01:00
  • Sea Nibbles

Sea Nibbels


For the love of salt, the surprising effect of combining land and sea. Sea Nibbels have a soft and smooth taste with a hint of sea salt.

Sea Nibbels2024-04-30T11:16:38+02:00
  • Sea Flower Rock Fennel

Sea Flowers Rock Fennel


For the love of salt, the surprising effect of combining land and sea. Sea Flowers Rock Fennel has a hint of lemon and fennel with a slight mild asparagus taste.

Sea Flowers Rock Fennel2022-01-28T08:31:48+01:00
  • Sea Oyster Flower

Sea Flowers Oyster


For the love of salt, the surprising effect of combining land and sea. Sea Flowers Oyster have a sweet taste in combination with salt.

Sea Flowers Oyster2022-01-28T08:32:04+01:00
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