• Meyer citroen

Meyer lemon


A Meyer lemon is a cross between a lemon and a pomelo / mandarin hybrid. In appearance it resembles a regular lemon, but slightly rounder and the color is slightly more orange when ripe. A meyer lemon is sweeter and less acidic than a regular lemon.

Meyer lemon2023-09-19T15:10:49+02:00
  • Pequino



Pepquiño® is thename for a fruit. The slight sour cucumber flavour of Pepquiño makes it a perfect ingriedient for salads.

  • Salak



This special fruit immediately attracts your attention with its snake-like skin. Under the stiff skin there are a number of white, crunchy parts, the taste of salak can best be compared to pineapple

  • Rambutan



With its remarkable hairy green-reddish skin, this fruit attracts your attention quickly. It is also called the hairy lychee. When you open it you will be surprised with a delicious white, juicy and aromatic fruit. The rambutan grows in bunches in trees that can grow up to 20 meters!

  • Mangosteen



This special fruit is known as one of the most delicious fruits in the world, which is available all year round! The white flesh under the thick skin is soft and is similar to lychees in taste and structure. Mangosteen is cultivated on a small scale, making it a fairly rare fruit.

  • Guave rood



Guava is a beautiful spherical fruit that has a green or yellow skin. The pulp of the guava is white to dark pink red. Guava has a sweet and sour taste with its own aroma. The small seeds of the guava are edible.

  • Tamarillo



The tamarillo has a thin skin and is shaped like an egg. Another name for this special fruit is also called tree tomato. The tamarillo has a slightly sweet and quite intense flavour. The skin of the fruit is bitter and not eatable.

  • Mango Readylicious



The mango has many varieties and appears in many different flavours and shapes. The most famous mango’s are Keith and Kent mangoes. But Tommy Atkins, Palmer, Aya and Shelley are also delicious varieties. It takes a while till the unripe mango could be eaten. Fortunately, that is the reason why Bud Holland sells ready to eat mangoes! These Readylicious® mangoes are delicious right away. They are grown, transported and pampered according to the Ripe & Ready method.

  • Pitahaya

Red white pitahaya


This beautiful, scaly cactus fruit is one of the pitahaya brothers; also called “dragon fruit”. The inside of the pitahaya consist of white, slightly sweet and aromatic pulp. The seeds provide a tasty, crunchy texture.

Red white pitahaya2023-02-28T13:40:09+01:00
  • Pitahaya-red-red

Red pitahaya


This beautiful, scaly cactus fruit is one of the pitahaya brothers; also called “dragon fruit”. The inside of the pitahaya consist of red, slightly sweet and aromatic pulp. The seeds provide a tasty, crunchy texture.

Red pitahaya2023-02-28T13:58:42+01:00
  • Limoen



Lime we love it! This sour aromatic citrus fruit is wonderfully versatile and gives an instant tropical touch to any dish. Limes are therefore used worldwide! The fruit is round and green with sometimes a yellow `belly` and contains 9 fragrant segments.

  • Granadilla



This sweet and sour fruit belongs to the Passiflora family , like the passionfruit and the maracuja.

  • Ugly fruit

Ugli fruit


Where the name ugli comes from is pretty clear. Ugli fruit does not look very appetizing with its green-yellow, wrinkled and crumpled skin. But "don't judge a book by its cover". The Jamaican citrus fruit is a incredibly flavourful, sweet citrus fruit. A combination of mandarin, grapefruit and orange.

Ugli fruit2024-01-15T11:38:46+01:00
  • Sweety



This citrus fruit looks a bit like a green grapefruit but is slightly larger and a lot sweeter. The Sweetie has a thick green-yellow skin and the flesh has a light yellow color. The taste is very sweet and owes it the name Sweetie.

  • Orri mandarine

Orri mandarin


Orri's are famous and very tasty mandarins (according to many even the best!), which originated from a selection of the very best mandarins. This makes Orris simply irresistible, with its delicious, juicy flesh and a sweet taste. Orri is virtually seedless and is a good variety to extend the season of easy-peelers.

Orri mandarin2023-03-09T09:24:18+01:00
  • Mandared



Mandared is a special citrus fruit with soft, sweet-sour and red-tinted flesh. The skin has a beautiful orange-red colour. The more the fruit ripens on the tree, the more the red glow emerges!

  • Limequat



A limequat is essentially a cross between a kumquat and a lime. You can eat this small, green citrus fruit with the skin and all and the taste is just like you are used to from a regular lime: sour and a bit bitter.

  • kumquats



Kumquats are small citrus fruits that can be eaten in whole even the skin! The taste of the skin is sweet, slightly bitter and is delicious in combination with the sour pulp. Cut them into slices for a salad or eat them as a healthy snack.

  • Kaffir lime

Kaffir lime


The kaffir lime is all about the zest. This particular wrinkled peel is used for its intense aroma. Not surprisingly is that this wonderful scent is often used in perfumes! But as a flavor to spice your dinner up it is also a beautiful product. You can grate the skin and use it in curries and bumbu, for example.

Kaffir lime2025-02-19T09:09:26+01:00
  • Grapefruit



Grapefruit is a cross between a grapefruit and an pomelo. For those who appreciate a bit of bitterness, the grapefruit is a delicious piece of fruit. The citrus fruit has a yellow to orange-coloured skin with a pink blush and the flesh is red, pink or white.

  • Choco sinaasappel

Choco orange


A chocolate orange? Yes… But don't expect a chocolate flavour. This special and delicious orange owns its name to its dark colour. The skin of this orange is more brown than a normal orange. It is a delicious navel orange with a very sweet taste and wonderfully juicy.

Choco orange2023-02-15T12:39:55+01:00
  • Cara cara sinaasappel

Cara cara orange


The cara cara orange is in first instance like a normal orange fruit. But when you cut the fruit in halve a delighted, soft pink colour appears. The orange is sweet and taste more complex than a normal orange.

Cara cara orange2023-12-01T15:20:43+01:00
  • Buddha hand

Buddha hand


Buddha hand (also called Buddha fingers) is a special name for a special looking fruit. A kind of lemon 'gone wild'. It has a sweet, lemony aroma and no juice or pulp. The mild-tasting white part of the Buddha hand is not bitter, unlike most citrus fruits.

Buddha hand2025-02-19T09:34:23+01:00
  • Moro blood orange

Moro blood orange


These beautiful oranges have a nice red blush and the flesh has a beautiful red colour. The most delicious blood oranges come from Sicily and are also called Moros. They only grow there on the fertile slopes of the Etna volcano.

Moro blood orange2023-01-10T11:31:46+01:00
  • Bitter orange

Bitter orange


This orange bitter variety is similar to the sweet variety but with a complete different taste. The pulp of the orange is like the name already suggests very bitter. Fun fact: essential oils are extracted from the blossom of bitter orange that are used in perfumes, cola and liqueur.

Bitter orange2023-02-15T12:21:15+01:00
  • Amalfi-lGP

Amalfi lemon I.G.P.


This world famous lemon is grown in the Amalfi region of Italy and is known as the most aromatic lemon in the world! The Amalfi lemon is sweeter than a regular lemon and has an untreated, edible skin, which is why it's the perfect lemon for an authentic Limoncello.

Amalfi lemon I.G.P.2024-11-05T09:32:18+01:00
  • Zapote mamey

Zapote mamey


At first sight a special, oval and slightly grey fruit. The thick skin is brown, leathery and it feels a bit rough. The inside is juicy and coloured orange.

Zapote mamey2024-04-30T11:39:58+02:00
  • Tomatillo



The tomatillo is also called Mexican earth cherry. The round, large berry is surounded by a dried, straw-yellow, paper-like cup.

  • Sapodilla



The skin of this exotic fruit is pale brown and thin, but quite firm. When the fruit is ripe, the pulp turns glassy yellow-brown and has a delicious, caramel-like taste.

  • Sanky



This is a special fruit from the Andes mountains. The green round fruits where forgotten for a long period of time. In some countries the sanky fruit the fruit was disappeared from the menu and was only eaten by birds. In the year 2006 the fruits reappeared on the Peruvian market and we at Bud Holland introduced it as well to the European market.

  • Red Moon® apple

Red Moon® apple


Besides its beautiful, crunchy outside, the inside is, as the name suggests… red! The red colouring of the pulp comes from the so-called anthocyanins, these are organic red pigments that also occur in other fruits with antioxidant effect. When you cut the apple in halve, you can discover a white, butterfly-like shape in the red flesh. A spectacular apple, simply from mother nature herself!

Red Moon® apple2023-01-05T15:57:40+01:00
  • Red Love apple

Red Love® apple


This beautiful and romantic apple is not only red on the outside, but also on the inside! The cultivation process is based on apples, which naturally have red flesh. Made by nature!

Red Love® apple2023-01-05T16:00:32+01:00
  • Red bananas

Red Banana


To get straight to the point: red bananas are completely natural! The red colour is caused by the antioxidant betcarotene. And under this beautiful, reddish-brown skin hides a delicious soft banana that is even sweeter than the well-known yellow banana. Definitely worth a try!

Red Banana2024-04-30T11:40:11+02:00
  • Quince



These large, yellow pears are rock hard when eaten raw, but when processed into juice, compote or in cake they magically become super tasteful!

  • Prickly pear

Prickly pear


Desert fig, barbary pear, fig of Barbary or just: prickly pear. This fruit grows on the cactus variety Opuntia Ficus Indica.

Prickly pear2023-01-10T11:18:40+01:00
  • Pomegranates



The pomegranate looks like a large, pinkish-red apple with a leathery skin. When you break or cut the pomegranate, you will see the countless red seeds.

  • Plantain



These bulky bananas differ from regular bananas in the sense that they cannot be eaten raw.

  • Yellow pitahaya

Yellow pitahaya


This beautiful, scaly cactus fruit is related to the pink pitahaya; also called dragon fruit. The inside of a yellow pitahaya consists of white, slightly sweet and aromatic pulp. Yellow pitahaya are known to be sweeter and creamier than the pink variety.

Yellow pitahaya2023-01-09T09:13:56+01:00
  • Baby pineapple

Baby pineapple


Baby pineapple is the mini version of a regular pineapple. They may be a bit smaller, but they are wonderfully sweet and soft. The inside is completely edible, so you don't have to remove the core.

Baby pineapple2023-02-28T11:10:09+01:00
  • Physalis



Physalis is an beautiful berry encased in a papery husk. This makes the fruit look much like a paper lantern. The berry is golden-yellow and consists of tiny, soft edible seeds. The flavour can be described as sweet-sour.

  • Pepino



The taste of the pepino is sweet, soft and juicy, a mixture between melon and pear.

  • Papaya



A papaya is the fruit of a melon tree and is therefore also called tree melon. As its nickname suggests, it tastes a bit like melon. The pulp is orange and inside there are black inedible, round seeds.

  • Marian plum

Marian plum


An enchanting orange yellow fruit containing a bright purple seed. It is very popular in Thailand to eat this fruit a bit unripe when its still sour, while tourist prefer to eat it a bit more ripe. The taste is a bit like a sour mango.

Marian plum2023-01-09T13:44:05+01:00
  • Maracuja



The maracuja completes our beautiful assortment of passion fruit varieties . The fruit flesh is surprisingly refreshing and taste a bit more acid than the normal passion fruit. It’s delicious to spoon it out or to use in a salad or dessert.

  • Mango nam dok mai

Mango nam dok mai


Nam Dok Mai mango grows in Thailand and is a long oval mango variety. Compared to the "normal" mango, the Nam Dok Mai is much juicier and sweeter in taste and doesn't contains any fiber, which makes the flesh juicy and silky soft. It's a must-try that will not disappoint!

Mango nam dok mai2023-01-09T13:51:53+01:00
  • Lucuma



This fruit has been known as the Inca gold for centuries. Lucuma has a green skin and it’s about the size of an apple. The pulp of the lucuma is yellow-orange and the fruit has a large stone in the center of the fruit. The taste is often described as pumpkin with hints of vanilla and caramel: very special!

  • Kiwi

Kiwi Green


The green kiwi is a true healthy and tasty fruit. Besides that they come in a very convenient size that you can easily put in your pocket.

Kiwi Green2023-01-10T11:43:11+01:00
  • Gele kiwi

Kiwi Gold


The kiwi gold is a delicious fruit with a unique sweet taste. Like her green friend it’s a true vitamine bomb and a perfect fruit for when you have a break. And what makes it truly special is that you can eat it with its skin!

Kiwi Gold2023-11-30T08:48:46+01:00
  • Kiwano



Kiwano is part of the cucumber family and has an oval shape with small spikes, for this reason the kiwano is also called 'horned melon'. The inside of a kiwano contains many chambers with jelly-like seeds. The inside of a kiwano is edible and has a fresh taste.

  • Kiwai



Kiwai or kiwi berry is the little brother of the kiwi. Its small size makes it the ideal, healthy snack on the go. Moreover, kiwai has an edible skin and tastes delicious!

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